Our Services

Advisory Services Offered By the Firm to-

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Block Owners

  1. Advisor to Block Owners-Wholistic.
  2. We can be A to Z Advisor to PSU`s/ Corporate block allocattees in the following broad fields:

    1. Transaction Advisor for Selection of Mine Developer Cum Operator (MDO)
      • Preparation of Pre-feasibility report/Detailed Project Report
      • Preparation of tender documents
      • Publication of tender with time lines of various milestones
      • Scrutiny of tenders from prospective bidders and short listing of qualified bidders for reverse auction.
      • Selection of L1 bidder for approval of competent Authority
      • Award of LoI
      • Preparation and Signing of Coal Mine Development & Production Agreement(CMDPA)
    2. After award of work to MDO following broad activities can be undertaken by MMSPL.
      1. Development & Operation of Coal Block
        • Pre-mining Phase; Exploration & Preparation of Geological Report, Preparation of Mining Plan/Closure Plan & its approvals, Environment Clearance, Forest Clearances, Land Acquisition, Mining Lease, R&R/CSR etc.
        • Development Phase
          • Start of mining as per approved Mining Plan
          • Infrastructures
          • CHP/Washery
          • Logistic
          • Township
        • Operation Phase
          • Pit Optimization
          • Long term and Short term Mining Solutions
          • Development of MIS
          • Statutory & Safety Compliances
          • Logistics Supports
          • Periodical Inspection of experts for regulatory compliances
          • Environment Audit
          • Cost Audit
        • Closing Phase
          • Execution of Mine Closure Plan